
Ah! Another new year. In Wisconsin, 2025 arrived quietly, with some VERY COLD weather. At Grace, our worship services are inspirational and our church family warm and friendly. Adult Forum continues following service each Sunday morning where an in-depth study of the books of the Old Testament provide lively discussions. Everyone is welcome.

Fat Tuesday Pancake Supper. The team at Ruth’s Pantry are planning a Pancake Supper for Tuesday, March 4, in the church dining room. A free-will offering will be taken to raise funds to pay for the foods distributed to those in need on Mondays. Everyone is urged to come to the church to enjoy the food and the fellowship!

Lent. On Wednesday, March 5, the first of the Lenten Services will be held–Ash Wednesday. Throughout Lent, the Wednesday services will be led by various local ELCA pastors on a rotating basis. Please join us for our Sunday Services or our Lenten services or both!

Vintage Rummage Sale. When Winchester has the community rummage sale on the first weekend in June, Grace Lutheran is hosting a VINTAGE rummage sale to help raise money for the renovation of the elevator in the Grace building. Anyone who has vintage items that they would like to donate may price their items and bring them to the church at any time.

175th Anniversary. In October of 2025, Grace Lutheran will be celebrating 175 years since the congregation was first begun. A team of dedicated “historians” are digging through the records and photos and choosing those of greatest interest to be included in a 175th Anniversary Book. Mark your calendars for October and plan to worship at Grace to experience the big celebration!

Sewing Circle: We need more members! If you are willing to share one or two Wednesday mornings a month to help assemble and tie Lutheran World Relief quilts, please check us out on one of our sewing days in our new sewing room located at the southwest corner of the lower level of Grace. No experience or special abilities are needed!!! In addition, the sewing circle is always in need of new or used sheets or blankets to use in quilt assembly.

Lutheran World Relief: During the month of August we assembled kits for Lutheran World Relief. Those kits were blessed during the service on September 8. While we especially concentrate on kits at the end of summer when school supplies are plentiful, supplies for kits can be brought to the church any time during the year. Listed below are the supplies need for school kits and personal care kits.

Each School Kit must have:

4 spiral-bound 70-page notebooks
5 unsharpened pencils
5 ball point stick pens with caps
a pencil sharpener
a 2-inch pink eraser
a ruler with both inches and metric
a scissors with rounded tips
one box of 12 crayons

Each Personal Care Kit must have:

27″ by 52″ (approximately) dark towel (preferably not very heavy)
2 4-ounce bars of mild soap
fingernail clipper
individually wrapped tooth brush
comb with VERY, VERY wide teeth