Lutheran World Relief. School kits, personal care kits, and quilts. These kits are prepared by members of Grace Lutheran for use by people in hard-hit countries around the world. The kits and quilts are packed and shipped to Minneapolis each year in October. From Minneapolis, the kits and quilts are distributed to people in need all around the globe through a consortium of partner churches.
Those who are eager to help are invited to come to the church dining room most 2nd and 4th Wednesday mornings (check the calendar) and join the quilters. Always needed are sheets, light-weight blankets, and sewing fabrics.

Missions. Many members of the church donate to Paul and Becky Abel, who are missionaries in Brazil. Some of the money goes for Paul and Becky’s support, and some of the donations go to the ARCA, a Christian retreat center and camp facility in Batteias, Brazil. ARCA donations may also used to aid the many people in dire need of medical attention and help in difficult circumstances.

Youth Softball. From May until the end of July, the church ball fields are abuzz with activity nearly every weekday evening. Come and watch the kids from around the area play and have a treat at the concession stand.

4-H. Grace Lutheran Church hosts the Winchester 4-H club meetings. Members of the 4-H do projects of their choice to gain knowledge and experience in a wide variety of areas. If you or your children are interested in learning more about the Winchester 4-H or would like to help the members of the 4-H in your area of expertise, please contact Chris Lettau at 920-637-4277.