What is Ruth’s Pantry?
Ruth’s Pantry is a ministry of Grace Lutheran Church of Winchester. This ministry has continuously provided food to those in need since 1983.
The purpose of the Pantry is to distribute groceries free of charge to people, regardless of religious, ethnic, or political background, who need help making financial ends meet.

Where is Ruth’s Pantry?
Ruth’s Pantry is located at 8401 Steeple Hill Drive, Larsen, WI 54947. It is the large white house near the ball parks across the street from Grace Lutheran Church of Winchester.
When is Ruth’s Pantry open?
The Pantry is open every Monday from 9:00-11:00 a.m. and from 4:00-5:00 p.m. In the case of inclement weather, the Pantry will be open when Winneconne schools are open. If Winneconne schools are closed, the Pantry will be closed.
Who qualifies for help from Ruth’s Pantry?
Ruth’s Pantry uses the same income guidelines as the government food stamp program to determine eligibility.
You may also qualify if you have experienced a job loss, high medical bills, or other unusual circumstances.
Contact Ruth’s Pantry
Email: ruthspantrygrace@gmail.com
Facebook: glcw.ruths.pantry
Patrons register at the east window. A Pantry worker will gather a selection of grocery and miscellaneous items for patrons according to the number of members in each family. Gathered food and other items are brought to the back door for patrons to load into their cars.